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Everything posted by PaulAnderson

  1. I’m reading this on my iPad and out of curiosity typed Bari into the Apple Maps app to see where it is. I was surprised to see that it offers a Flyover view option, not something I’d seen before. Separately, while I usually avoid all other things Google, and still having to remove their cookies on a daily basis, I occasionally look at possible destinations on Google maps Streetview option. It gives an appreciation of street level views of unfamiliar locations, which may be useful for driving or sometimes just to help decide whether it’s worth going Paul
  2. I used to have trips onto Bute when holidaying nearby with my family almost 50 years ago and couldn’t remember much of it so wanted to revisit. We still only had a couple of days there so didn’t see much, arriving from the Colintraive ferry at the north end and leaving by the islands capital Rothesay to Wemyss bay ferry. The historic house Mount Stuart was magnificent and well worth visiting. See their web site here. We also visited the historic Victorian public toilets in Rothesay. The island is definitely worth a visit in my opinion but with so many lovely places in Scotland to see it
  3. My most similar photograph, on the ferry to Isle of Bute while on the return path from the NC500 in 2017
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