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david c

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About david c

  • Birthday 11/24/1949

Profile Information

  • Location
    Maldon Essex
  • Cars Owned:
    Herald 1200 convertable
    Spitfire MK4
    International Harvester 434

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  1. So some low life broke in to my workshop last night and helped themselves to various tools amongst which were my two welders one an aging ark welder and the other my very handy mig. my question is now I have to replace [at least the mig] should I consider getting a TIG welder, will it do all my old Clarke migmate used to do? Other stuff missing is my handy DeWalt drill and other stuff I will probably only find out about when I go to use them and....................
  2. Hello Z 320, I'm sure that's not your real name, having said that I rather doubt I could "properly" pronounce  or spell your name even If I knew it.

    I'm sure all the contributors to these threads mean well, we are, in the end dealing with a dangerous piece of kit like so many of our hobbies.

    We all need to understand that the advise give and the comments made are made in good faith and well meant, and I do thank you and all the other contributors for the advise freely given.

    Best regards David


  3. Thank you all for your input, I have torqued up to the 55 lbs recommended in the WSM and the gaters are now as flat as a pancake but not quite touching the backplates I have approx 2mm clearance.

    There is indeed a cut out on the backplate, without which the rubber would certainly be in contact.

    I assume as there is no contact now there never should be?

    I'm going to book in for an alignment check and talk to them about the situation but I doubt they will be able to offer any solutions but at least I will have correct tracking.

    Thanks again for your help and advise. David

  4. Happy 70th David! Allan & Ron x



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