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About TonyC

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  • Location
    Northumbria Group
  • Cars Owned:
    Triumph TR6 1972 EFI

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  1. TonyC

    Engine oil

    Valvoline VR1 20/50. Lots of zinc. Been using it for years and it does contribute to a higher oil pressure by around 5 psi when compared with Castrol. TonyC
  2. Stuart, appears to be at the rubber seal. Tried another 1/8 turn to no avail. Agree it is strange. TonyC
  3. I've just completed an oil change and noticed a leak at the filter. (I have the spin on conversion). Now in 10 years this has not happened before, and I generally use MANN filters, although I have ventured into Crosland and Bosch. The MANN filter I am using is W719/27 (long bodied) so in looking for an alternative, I started to search for a good filter cross reference guide on 'tinternet' but can't find one. Can anyone point me to a good cross ref guide for filters or maybe list the various options by manufacturer for the spin on conversion. Thanks, TonyC
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