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The TR Register Car Club is deeply grateful for the service of Phil Horsley, a valued member of the Didcot-based staff team who has announced his retirement. 

His contributions as the Operations Manager, particularly in events and logistics, have been invaluable to the Club. A TR enthusiast and staff member of TR Register Car Club, Phil had been in his current paid role with the Club for two and a half years but has contributed widely to the TR Register as a member and volunteer for many years beforehand. 

During his time with the Didcot team, Phil was instrumental in delivering the Inter-Club Weekend, The 'TR at 70' event held at Bath and West Showground in 2023 and several other show displays and exhibitions during that time. The TR Register Car Club wishes to thank Phil for his hard work and dedication to the Club and wishes him a very relaxing and enjoyable retirement. We don't doubt that we will see him and his wife Jill at the club’s many exciting tours and trips, nationally and with his local TR group of Kennet Valley, now that he has more time to enjoy his TRs. Phil will continue in his role until 31 August 2024. 

During that time, the TR Register Management team will take this opportunity to review the role of the Operations Manager and the current requirements within the office to ensure that any future replacement meets the needs of the organisation’s strategy. The Management Team will announce any future vacancies after that review is complete. In the meantime, a huge thanks to Phil—and Happy Retirement!

Phil during TS2's hand-over, seen here on the right. 

There are 1 comment on this thread

Hywel lloyd

Congratulations to Phil for all his efforts and results for the TR Register.